
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Paman Gober (Cycling Event)

My phone rang a couple times. Over and over again it rang annoyingly at my ears hole. I didn't know what I pressed on my phone, but I think I accidentally snoozed it. I covered my head with my pillows. There were a knock on my door. "Darling it's Saturday, don't you have this Paman Gober thing?" my mother shouted at my front door. OF COURSE! I panicked and tilt my head at the clock hanging on the wall. I didn't wear my glass though so I barely saw anything, but I can felt it that it was late. I ran into the bathroom, grabbed my sport outfits. I changed my clothes and went to my bedroom mirror. I scowled with frustration at myself in the mirror. My hair, it just won't behave. After a couple minutes, I finally controlled my own hair. My dad already loaded the bike into the trunk.     

I felt like there was a freights of train strangled at my body. Felt so heavy that for a while I consi- dered I did'nt want to go. I had a cup of milk as breakfast. I putted my shoes so fast until I realized I wore it oppositely I climbed into the backseat of my car. Fortunately, the road were all clear. I almost could count it with my fingers. I saw street lights passed me in blurred lines. I pulled my bag into my lap and unzip my bag, grabbed my iPhone. My headsets fitted perfectly at my ears hole. I played my favorite album currently, Empire Original Soundtrack. I laid on my back and let my body slid on the seat, stretched until my bones screamed.

"Darling, wake up! You don't wanna be late" my mom shook my hand. My eyes like a broken window, so hard to be opened. Yawned very hard and jumped off my car. Dad already got my bike out of the trunk. parked at road, ready to be driven by me. My father told me I had to wear my helmet, it was for my safety. I saw my friends passed by. I felt so stupid by even wore the helmet. When I was far enough for my parent to see, I pulled over and took off my ridiculous looking helmet on me. I rode my bike to Bali Field until my leg felt as strong as an iron. The crowd filled the field in an instant. Searched my friend in the crowd isn't really my style, so I just waited someone to came to me. Well that day could be the most exiting event or it could be the worst event. Well I decided it was an exiting, not most, event on my life.

At last I had my friends to tag along with. We entered the field. The ground were so muddy like a quick sand, sucked up my bike's tires. There was a couple of speeches from the school headmaster. Then the event was officially started. We hit the road and it was fun to do with my friends. I didn't know what street I was rode so I just followed the one in front of me. We've got separated into groups because there was this red lights and stuffs, so we just continue on our own seperate ways. I didn't really count the time, I think it was one hour later, we got back to Bali Field.

They had this amazing games that we could play. But I didn't really into it, so I just sat there watch these guys. For a while, there was a moment when it was really boring and I exhausted for even just watching. But finally we could get out at 11 o'clock sharp. So I just got out and go home.

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